
Super rutin possesses anti-oxidant properties and it protects normal body cells from damage by harmful free radicals. Free radicals are potentially harmful by-products of normal body processes and can pose a huge risk to healthy cells.Free radicals are also responsible for conditions such as allergies ,cancer, arthritis, stroke and degenerative memory loss.

It helps to improve blood circulation. It does this by increasing the flexibility of blood vessels thereby allowing an easy passage of blood.This prevents conditions such as blood pressure, stroke and an enlarged heart. When blood vessels are narrow and not flexible enough,the heart increases it’s force of contraction and this increases your blood pressure which could be harmful. It also helps to strengthen blood vessel walls. Strengthened blood vessels can improve your overall health. This may help ease related conditions, including bruises, spider veins, and varicose veins.

Prevents blood clots. Rutin helps to prevent unwanted blood clots which could be harmful to your health and leads to conditions such as; heart attack,stroke, lodging of blood clots in big veins (a condition called thrombo-embolism) and pulmonary embolism (a condition where a clot is dislodged and transported to the lungs where it affects normal intake of oxygen necessary for life). Caution should be observed if you are taking anti-coagulation medication. Talk to your doctor/pharmacist if you are on any chronic medication.

It lowers bad cholesterol.Studies have demonstrated the lowering of bad cholesterol by rutin.

Reduces arthritic pain. Due to it’s anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant action,it helps to relieve pain and swelling in arthritic patients


  • One capsule to be taken twice daily with meals.
  • This is a supplement and should not be taken in the place of prescribed medication.




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