Holland & Barrett Natural Evening Primrose Oil 1000mg plus Vitamin B6


Holland & Barrett Natural Evening Primrose Oil 1000mg has been extracted from the seeds of the wildflower using the cold-press method and enriched with vitamin B6, which contributes to normal energy-yielding metabolism and can contribute to a reduction of tiredness and fatigue, and vitamin E. This combination provides linoleic acid (LA) and gamma-linoleic acid (GLA), both omega-6 essential fatty acids that the body can?t produce by itself and must be supplied through diet or supplements. The body actually metabolizes GLA from LA, which can also be found in safflower, hemp and sunflower oils. It is also found in human breast milk. GLA is used by the body to make hormone-like substances called prostaglandins.

Roles played by evening primrose oil are;

Skin health

Evening primrose oil helps to treat and prevent skin conditions such as eczema,acne and maintaining general skin health.It works by reducing inflammation and skin swelling exhibited in acne and by retaining moisture to prevent drying and scarring associated with eczema.It helps the skin maintain moisture,freshness and elasticity.

Pre-menstrual syndrome and breast pain relief

It helps to treat pre-mentrual syndrome symptoms such as depression,irritability and bloating.Evening primrose oil helps relieve painful breasts when women are having their menstrual flow.It offers relief by its anti-inflammatory action.

Circulatory system health.

Evening primrose oil helps in the lowering of blood pressure.Studies have shown an improvement in blood pressure in patients on Evening primrose oil. It contributes to a healthy heart by reducung the amount of cholesterol in circulation.High presence of cholesterol in the circulation is a risk factor for heart diseases.

Nerve pain relief

It has been shown to reduce nerve pain caused by diadetes.This nerve pain is known as neuropathy and is characterized by hot and cold sensitivity,numbness,tingling sensation and muscle weakness.


Take one softgel capsule three times daily, preferably with meals. Do not exceed stated dose.

SKU: DP14145 Category:

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