Aqua Oleum Ylang Ylang Oil


Currently, there are five grades of ylang-ylang oil, extra superior, extra, first, second and third. Ylang is such a popular oil in aromatherapy the possibilities of adulteration are quite high, as it is blending/manipulation to make an affordable oil. It is a sedative/calming oil that can help to relieve stress and is deeply relaxing. It can be added to a bath or vaporizer and blended with a base oil for body and massage.



Use in moderation since its heady scent can cause headaches or nausea.

SKU: DP6694-11 Category:


  • An exquisite and popular aromatherapy oil.
  • The possibilities of adulteration are quite high.
  • Soothes stress anxiety.
  • 100% pure ylang ylang oil.

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