Aqua Oleum Pine Needle Oil


Aqua Oleum? Pine Needle has fresh balsamic scented aromatic oil that blends well with cedarwood, rosemary, cypress juniper. It is used to stimulate, refresh, and soothe the joints and it is suitable for colds and chills. The key benefits are uplifting/soothing, helping improve muscle tone, and a natural insect repellent. The main applications are insect repellent, muscle tone, nervous tension, room freshener, and stress.



Bath: 5-10 drops,Vaporizer 3-5 drops. Body and massage?5 drops/10ml base oil.

Tips: It May also be used as a household disinfectant in a spray.

SKU: DP6694-2 Category:


  • Refreshing, and soothing the joints.
  • Blends well with cedarwood, rosemary, cypress juniper.
  • Suitable for colds and chills.
  • Fresh balsamic scented aromatic oil.

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