Aqua Oleum Lavender Water 100ml


Lavender oil does double duty for insect bites, acts as an insect repellent, and it can relieve itching after a bite occurs. It is created through a natural distillation process, offering the purest and most potent natural essential oils available. It is an ancient and time-honored tradition that?s been enhancing moods and lifting spirits for thousands of years. Essential oils are liquid plant essences that are genuine reflections of the botanicals from which they?re born.



For fragrance purposes. For all other uses, carefully dilute with a carrier oil such as jojoba, grapeseed, olive, or almond oil prior to use. Please consult an essential oil book or other professional reference sources for suggested dilution ratios.

SKU: DP6694-23 Category:


  • The warm, pungent aroma.
  • Warming, soothing, comforting.
  • Provide a healthier way to uplift your spirit.
  • 100% pure lavender oil.

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