
Omega-3 provides some healthy fat called fatty acids? namely; DHA and EPA, which helps to maintain the bodys? normal processes and circulation as well as maintain overall health. It helps with normal brain development, heart health, allergy and asthma as well as fatigue.

They are commonly found in plant oils and from marine animals. Other sources of omega 3 include fish and eggs from chicken fed on DHA and EPA sources. Humans and other mammals are unable to synthesize omega 3 and can only be obtained through diet.The benefits include;


Omega 3 may improve heart health by:

Decreasing triglycerides? High triglycerides may contribute to the hardening of the blood vessels or thickening of the vessel walls ( a condition called arteriosclerosis) which increases the risk of stroke, heart attack and heart disease. Extremely high triglycerides can also cause acute swelling of the pancreas (pancreatitis)

Blood pressure? By reducing blood clotting, Omega 3 leads to a reduced risk of blood clots because it helps prevent blood platelets from clumping together. Caution should be observed if you are taking blood thinners. Talk to your pharmacist if you are on blood thinners such as warfarin, Xarelto, clexane,procorolan, plavix among others.

Decreasing your risk of strokes and heart failure? It reduces the risks by reducing your blood pressure and blood coagulation.

Reducing irregular heartbeats? People with higher-than-average levels of omega-3 fatty acids in their blood may be roughly 30 percent less likely than those with the lowest levels to develop irregular heartbeat (a condition known as arrhythmia )


Eating more omega-3 fatty acids may improve resistance to asthma. Several studies have demonstrated that dietary omega-3 fatty acids improve asthma symptoms in children. By reducing the activities of some immune cells called eosinophils, omega-3 fatty acids may help maintain lung function and prevent symptoms of asthma and allergy, including coughing, sneezing, and runny noses. Eosinophils are a type of disease-fighting white blood cells which indicates a parasitic infection or an allergic reaction.

Several studies have also shown that if pregnant women take omega 3 supplements, their children are less likely to develop asthma after birth..


The omega-3 fatty acids found in fish oil play important roles in brain function and development. Omega 3 can improve brain function in people with memory problems, such as those with Alzheimer?s disease or other cognitive impairments. Omega 3 seem to have important roles in the developing the babys? brain. In fact, several studies have correlated pregnant womens? fish intake or fish oil use with higher scores for their children on tests of intelligence and brain function in early childhood

Omega 3 fatty acids are also vital for the maintenance of normal brain function throughout life. They are abundant in brain cells, preserving cell membrane health and facilitating communication between brain cells. Low levels of omega-3s may accelerate brain aging and contribute to deficits in brain function.


Omega 3 fatty acids have exhibited the ability to deal with fatigue.

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  • Allergy and asthma.
  • Promotes heart health.
  • Immune system support.
  • Brain development.




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