
This product is made from Epimedium extract, also known as Horny Goat Weed, which is a popular aphrodisiac supplement and herbal sexual performance enhancer. It has a long history of traditional use in China for the alleviation of erectile dysfunction and for improving libido and fertility. This product has many benefits including:

  • Reduce various urinary symptoms such as frequent urination,
  • Prevent prostate enlargement by antagonizing P.E.R receptor Urinary urgency and urinary dribbling
  • Maintain a balance of the entire urogenital system and reduce urinary dysfunction
  • Maintain healthy prostate
  • Enhance sexual performance
  • Polysaccharide improves urinary symptoms
  • Promotes reproductive health through immune modulation
  • Powerful antioxidant and anti-ageing effect inhibit and eliminate free radicals
  • Prevents the conversion of testosterone to Dihydrotestosterone (DHT) DHT is the main cause of the prostate enlargement
  • It Reduces enlargement of the prostate gland (hypertrophy or hyperplasia) known medically as benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH)
  • Recommendable to every man 35 years and above to stop prostrate from growing bigger as you grow older.
  • Alleviate urge to urinate and inability to urinate or dribbling of urine
  • Good for impotence and sexual dysfunction
  • Reduces nocturia by strengthening the neck of the bladder
  • It treats inflammations of the prostate gland (Prostatis)
  • It kills bacteria, thus prevents urinary tract infections
  • It blocks some effect of testosterone thus reduce hair loss in men
  • Helps to treat conditions like impotence (erectile dysfunction, or ED) or vaginal dryness
  • Good for strong and harder erection
  • Alleviate pain or stiffness in the lower back, hip or upper thighs
  • Helps to increase testosterone production
  • Helps to increase estrogen levels, particularly in post-menopausal women
  • Improving libido


Take 2 capsules each time 3 times a day.


  • It promotes reproductive health through immune modulation.
  • It kills bacteria, thus prevents urinary tract infections.
  • It blocks some effect of testosterone thus reduce hair loss in men.
  • It maintains a balance of the entire urogenital system and reduce urinary dysfunction.